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Ministry and Ministries in the Church: Confessional Approaches


Course Description

All Christians have their own charismata for the service of God and the world as well as for the building up of the Church (Rom 12:4-8; 1 Cor 12:4-31). Through baptism, they all constitute the one priestly people of God (1 Pet 2:5-9). The NT also shows how among the ministries a special ministry emerged, which was understood as standing in the succession of the Apostles sent by Christ. The course intends to explain the different approaches to the ordained ministry and the developments concerning “ministries” in the history of the Church. What is the dogmatic definition of ordained ministry? How does it affect the unity and communion of the Church? How does ordained ministry relate to other church offices and services in the Church? What are the different approaches of the various Christian traditions on this topic? How the relationship between the one special ministry and the various other ministries and services in the church is defined theologically? The course will explore the most critical and differing positions


Catholic magisterium: John Paul II, Christifideles laici, 1988; POPE FRANCIS, Motu proprio Ministeria quedam, 2021; Id., Motu proprio Antiquum Ministerium, 2021.

INTERNATIONAL THEOLOGICAL COMMISSION, The Priestly Ministry, 1970; Id., Catholic Teaching on Apostolic Succession, 1973; Id., Sensus fidei in the life of the Church, 2014. Ecumenical documents: Faith and Order Commission, Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry, 1982; Roman Catholic-Lutheran World Federation, The Ministry in the Church, 1982; Roman Catholic-Orthodox theological dialogue, The Sacrament of Order in the Sacramental Structure of the Church with Particular Reference to the Importance of Apostolic Succession for the Sanctification and Unity of the People of God, 1988.

JAMES PUGLISI, The Process of Admission to Ordained Ministry: A Comparative Study (Vol. I, II, III), Liturgical Press, Collegeville (MN), 2001;

JOHN ZIZIOULAS, Being as Communion, SVS Press, Crestwood (NY), 1985.