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Specialized Morals: Familial Issues


Course Description

This course addresses moral teaching on marriage and family and related bioethical teachings which have their foundation in Scripture and natural law. Topics include male and female identity and complementarity; the nature and definition of marriage; the family as the foundation of society; marriage preparation; beginning and end of life moral issues; homosexuality; transgender issues.


Relevant Magisterial documents; Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.

G.D. COLEMAN Human Sexuality: An All-Embracing Gift (Alba House, New York, 1990);

J. GRABOWSKI Sex and Virtue: an Introduction to Sexual Ethics (Catholic University Press of America, Washington, D.C., 2004);

R. LAWLER, J. BOYLE and W.E. MAY Catholic Sexual Ethics: A Summary, an Explanation Defense, 3rd edition (Our Sunday Visitor, Huntington, Illin., 2013);

J.E. SMITH Humanae vitae: A Generation Later (Catholic University Press of America Washington, D.C., 1991);

G.J. WOODALL Humanae vitae forty years on: A New Commentary (Family Publications, Oxford, Maryvale, Birmingham, 2008, Gracewing,. Leominster, 2014).