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Theology of Creation


Course Description

The course will address and discuss the most important aspects of scriptural exegesis and the dogmatic definition of creation and its crucial aspects such as: creatio ex nihilo, beginning of time and space, Trinity in creation, God-world relationship, divine action, creation and evolution, angels, anthropogenesis, theological anthropology (human condition before and after the original sin), theology of work, and ecology. Based on classical Aristotelian-Thomistic philosophy and theology and the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church, enriched with necessary references to contemporary science, the course is thought to help students develop a critical theological reflection and understanding of creation.


Haffner, Paul. Mystery of Creation. Leominster: Gracewing, 2010.

Hayes, Zachary. The Gift of Being: A Theology of Creation. Collegeville, Minn: Michael Glazier, 2001.

Morales, J. Creation Theology. Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2001. [El Misterio de la Creación. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, 1994.]

Sagüés, Jose F. On God the Creator and Sanctifier. On Sins. Translated by Kenneth Baker. Saddle River, NJ: Keep the Faith, 2014. 5.

Schmaus, Michael. Dogma: God and Creation. London: Sheed and Ward, 1969