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Academic degrees earned

Mgr. theol., Comenius University Bratislava

Mag. phil., University of Vienna

Dr. theol., University of Vienna

Courses at the Angelicum

Brief biography

Since 2015 Viliam Štefan Dóci has been President of the Historical Institute of the Order of Preachers, Director of the journals Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum and Dominican History Newsletter, and also chair of the editorial boards of Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica and of Dissertationes Historicae. He has been teaching at the Faculty of Theology at PUST since 2017/18. Since 2022, he has also been a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Historical Theology of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna.

Areas of Academic Specialization and Interest

Church History

History of the Order of Preachers

History of studies and preaching in the Dominican Order

Catholic Enlightenment

Associations and Memberships

Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung

Römisches Institut der Görres-Gesellschaft

Verba Theologica

Current research/writing projects

Philosophical-theological training and scholarly activity of the Friars Preachers in Vienna in the 17th–18th centuries

Select Publications

Die seelsorgliche Tätigkeit der Kaschauer Predigerbrüder. Ein Dominikanerkonvent im Ambiente von Pfarrei, Stadt und Staat im 18. Jahrhundert (Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens 23, Berlin/Boston 2018).

Bibelstudium und Predigt im Dominikanerorden. Geschichte, Ideal, Praxis (Dissertationes Historicae 36, Roma 2019) (co-editor: Thomas Prügl).

I Domenicani e la Russia (Dissertationes Historicae 37, Roma 2019) (co-editor: Hyacinthe Destivelle OP).

«…das lehret uns der Catholische allein seeligmachende Glaub…» Theology in the Sermons of Austrian and Hungarian Dominicans in the 18th Century, in Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique 115 (2020), pp. 204 -234.

Religion, Tugend und Pflicht. Zur Morallehre in Predigten der österreichisch-ungarischen Dominikaner im 18. Jahrhundert, in Kristin Eichhorn and Lothar van Laak (ed.), Kulturen der Moral. Beiträge zur DGEJ-Jahrestagung 2018 in Paderborn, Hamburg 2021, pp. 85 -100.

Wer darf einen kriminellen Dominikaner richten? Eine Studie zur Kontroverse um das privilegium fori in Bezug auf das crimen laesae majestatis, in Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 129/2 (2021), pp. 308 -329.

Fra trionfi e sconfitte: la politica della santità dell’Ordine dei Predicatori (Dissertationes Historicae 39, Roma 2021) (co-editor: Gianni Festa OP).

In search of a better life: The travels of Gregorius Pogrányi OP, in Benjamin Hazard (ed.), Path to Salvation. Temporal and Spiritual Journeys by the Mendicant Orders, c.1370 -1740, Lausanne et al. 2023, pp. 193-219.

Two Enlightenment Dominicans among the Freemasons in Eighteenth-Century Vienna, in Catholic Historical Review 109/3 (2023), pp. 486-514.

Curriculum Vitae