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Academic degrees earned

Bachelor of Arts: Philosophy and the Philosophy and History of Science, 2004, Saint John’s College, Annapolis, MD. *NB: This institution does not offer honors for their degrees.

STB, 2009 (cum laude) Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC

S.T.L. Moral Theology, 2011 (Summa cum laude) Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC

Enrolled as license student in canon law, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas

S.T.D. Moral Theology, 2017 (Summa cum laude) Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome

Courses at the Angelicum

Brief biography

Fr. Ezra Sullivan, O.P., a native of California, is a Dominican friar of the Province of St. Joseph in the United States. Having served in a parish after ordination to the priesthood, he earned his doctorate in theology and is now professor of moral theology and psychology at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome (Angelicum).

Areas of Academic Specialization and Interest

Habits, Virtues, and Vices

Psychology: Historical Foundations

Psychology: Thomistic Perspectives

Specialized Morals: Critical International, Political, Economic Issues in Catholic Social Doctrine

Specialized Morals: Familial Issues of the Present Day

Dante’s Divine Comedy (seminar)

Alphonsus Liguori: Patron of Moral Theology

Bioethics I: Principles and Foundations

Bioethics II: Beginning and End of Life

Catholic Moral Reasoning (seminar)

Charity and Substitutes for Charity (seminar)

Contemporary Psychology and Moral Theology (seminar)

Dante’s Inferno (seminar)

Dante’s Purgatorio (seminar)

Faith and Contrary Vices

Fortitude, Resilience, and Grit

Habits and the Moral Life

John Paul II’s Theology of Love, Responsibility, and the Body

Leadership, Strategy, and Practical Wisdom

Patristic Teachings on Morality (seminar)

Select Publications


Yoga: A Theological Investigation (forthcoming)

Alter Christus: Priestly Holiness on Earth and in Eternity (Sophia Institute Press, 2022)

In Æternum. Sacerdoti per sempre in Cristo (Amicizia Liturgica, 2022).

Heroic Habits: Discovering the Soul’s Potential for Greatness (TAN, 2021)

Habits and Holiness: Ethics, Theology, and Biopsychology (The Catholic University of America Press, 2021)

Hyacinthe Cormier, Life of Alexandre-Vincent Jandel (New Priory Press, 2015) [Editor, Introduction, Appendix, design]

Hyacinthe Cormier, Instructions for Novices (Createspace Publishing, 2013) [Editor, Preface, design]


Journal Articles

“What constitutes human flourishing—and its main impediments—for individuals and communities?” (Brill, forthcoming)

Entries “Hábito” and “Beatitude” in Vocabulário Teológico de Tomás de Aquino, ed. Carlos Arthur Ribeiro do Nascimento and Juvenal Savian Filho (Sao Paolo: Edições Paulinas, forthcoming)

“The Aims and Arguments of Habits and Holiness: A Précis,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly Vol. 96, Issue 2 (2022): 345-53.

“Using Abortion-Derived Vaccines: A Moral Analysis,” Nova et Vetera, English Edition, Vol. 19, No. 4 (2021): 1011–1109.

“Caring for the Poor and Vulnerable: A Virtue Analysis of Mandated Health Insurance Compared with Healthshare Ministries,” Linacre Quarterly, Vol. 88, issue 1 (2021): 82-93.

“The Church Fathers’ Influence on Aquinas’s Account of Habitus,” in Aquinas and the Fathers, ed. Jörgen Vijgen (Turnhout: Brepols, 2020), 151-82.

“Artificial Intelligence, Idolatry, and Human Manipulation,” Angelicum 97/1 (2020): 111-35.

“Taking Nature Graciously: A Thomistic Perspective on Habits,” New Blackfriars, Vol. 101, Issue 1094 (2020): 379-99.