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Academic degrees earned

B.A., University of Arizona
S.T.B., Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
M.A., Seton Hall University
S.T.L., Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas
S.T.D., Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas

Courses at the Angelicum

Fr. Gabriel Mary Fiore is a religious priest of the Congregation of Saint John. He has served the Church as campus minister, parish pastor, spiritual director, and formator for seminarians and religious. Having taught philosophy and theology for religious institutes before joining the faculty at the Angelicum, he has been teaching spirituality theology there since 2020. By his community charism, Fr. Gabriel Mary has embraced the gift and call to follow Christ in the footsteps of the apostle John, `beloved disciple’ and `theologian’.

Johannine writings and tradition

Biblical spirituality

Patristic spirituality

Spiritual growth

Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality (SSCS), Member since 2023.

Journal, “Aletheia-Ecole Saint Jean” (postulating for peer-reviewed status), editorial board since 2023.

Scholarship from Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) for outstanding undergraduate studies in Latin and Greek classics, 1995.

John Paul II prize for best master’s research project in theology, Seton Hall University, 2016.

“Donec requiescat in te: Rest for the Searching Heart in Augustine’s Confessions” (article)

Spiritual Afflictions: Responding to the Trials of Christian Maturation (book project)

Becoming Beloved Disciples of Christ: A Retreat in the Footsteps of Saint John (book project)

« Comme un père pour ses enfants : la paternité spirituelle de saint Paul. » Aletheia-Ecole Saint Jean 35 (2009): 73-92.

“Ignatian Perseverance: Guidance from St Ignatius of Loyola for Those Tempted to Abandon a Permanent Vocation.” The Way 58, no.1 (Jan 2019): 77-90.

“Silence before God in the Life and Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas.” Nova et Vetera 19, no.1 (Winter 2021): 1-19.

“The Garment of Lovers: Learning from the Wounds of Love and Longing in the Poetry of Saint John of the Cross.” Carmel in the World 59, no.2 (2020): 94-112.

Spirituality in John’s Gospel: Historical Developments and Critical Foundations. Eugene: Pickwick (available Dec. 2023).

“What is Spirituality? Clarifying a Term Vital for Contemporary Theology.” Aletheia-Ecole Saint Jean (forthcoming, Dec. 2023).