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Academic degrees earned

DEA (Master 2) in Philosophy of Law, Paris II

DEA (Master 2) in Law, Paris I

S.T.L., University of Fribourg, Switzerland

S.T.D., University of Fribourg, Switzerland (summa cum laude)

Courses at the Angelicum

Areas of Academic Specialization and Interest

Sacramental Theology


Sacra Doctrina

Associations and Memberships

Board of Editor of Revue Thomiste, Toulouse, France

Current research/writing projects

Seven ages of the Church, Instituted ministries

Select Publications

Sacra doctrina. Mystère et Sacramentalité de la Parole dans la Somme de Théologie de S. Thomas d’Aquin, Paris, Parole et Silence, « Bibliothèque de la Revue Thomiste », février 2020, 722 p.
Les papes et l’Écologie : De Vatican II à Laudato si’, Perpignan, Artège, 2016, 596 p.