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The Uniqueness and Universality of Christ and Culture and Religion


Course Description

1, Fundamental Values and Jesus of Nazareth 2. Who is Jesus? The Person of Christ 3.What does Jesus Do? The Work of Christ 4. Christ, Culture and Context 5. Christ and the Religions 6. Christ and the Mission of the Church.


GISTAF AULEN, Christ as Victor: An Historical Study of the Three Main Types of the Atonement, London, SPCK,1950.

JAMES ALLISON, Knowing Jesus, London, SPCK, 1993.

KENNETH BAILEY, Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes, London, SPCK, 2008.

RICHARD BURRIDGE, Four Gospels, One Jesus: A Symbolic Reading, London, SPCK, 1994.

GAVIN D’COSTA, Theology and Religious Pluralism, Oxford, Blackwell’s, 1986. M. NAZIR-ALI, Nov. 13-24, 2023.