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Nazir Ali

Academic degrees earned

BA University of Karachi

B.Litt University of Oxford

M.Litt University of Oxford

M.Litt University of Cambridge

Th.D   Australian College of Theology, NSW

DD      Lambeth

Courses at the Angelicum

Brief biography

I have studied and taught at both Oxford and Cambridge, at the London School of Theology, Forman Christian University, Lahore College of Theology, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham etc. I have also been a visiting lecturer at a number of colleges and universities. Besides being Bishop of Rochester in England, I was also Bishop of Raiwind in Pakistan. I now belong to the Ordinariate in the Catholic Church and am Prelate of Honour to the Holy See.

Areas of Academic Specialization and Interest


Interfaith Encounter


Muslim-Christian Relations


Christology in Plural Contexts

Church and Culture


Associations and Memberships

Member of the Editorial Board of the Round Table, the academic journal of the Commonwealth

Academic honors and awards

5 honorary doctorates from U.K. and US universities

Honorary Fellowships of St Edmund Hall, Oxford and Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge

The Sheikh Yamani Gold Medal in Islamic Studies

Current research/writing projects

I am preparing lectures at Oxford for the fourth series on Muslim and Christian Thought in the Middle East. These will eventually be published DV

A book on ecclesiology

Lectures on Anglicanism and Catholic-Anglican Dialogue at PUST

Select Publications

The Unique and Universal Christ, Milton Keynes, Paternoster Press, 2008.

Conviction and Conflict: Islam, Christianity and World Order, London, Bloomsbury, 2006.

Faith, Freedom and the Future: Challenges for the 21st Century, London, Wilberforce, 2016.

The Mission and Ministry of the Church in England, London, T&T Clark, 2023.