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Section Description

The Biblical Section program covers all areas of biblical scholarship. It primarily offers courses that synthetically deal with biblical issues (biblical theology) and courses of biblical exegesis, while also offering courses that are auxiliary to biblical exegesis (biblical languages), along with courses that deal with the general setting of the Bible (history, geography and archaeology). The main scope of these courses is to give the student a solid formation in biblical methodology. 

Propaedeutic Semester
  • For those students who enter the program without sufficient competency in Beginning (Level 1) Biblical Greek and/or Beginning (Level 1) Hebrew, will begin the first semester of the program as a Propaedeutic Semester. This Propaedeutic Semester will involve a strict enrollment of only the Biblical Greek and Hebrew courses, along with an obligatory Biblical Methodology course.
  • The normal duration of the curriculum of “Licentiate in Biblical Theology” is two years (4 semesters). This duration is valid for those who, at the time of enrollment, possess the linguistic requirements concerning the knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. Those who do not possess the required knowledge of one or both of these languages must foresee at least a fifth semester, based on the program to be agreed upon and verified with the Dean and the Head of the Biblical Section. Biblical language courses for beginners (Hebrew A-B and Greek A-B) are considered prerequisites, and therefore are not assigned ECTS.

Section Coordinator

S.T.L. Curriculum

2024-2025 Course Schedule
