A Venerable Angelicum tradition of Eucharistic Adoration continues – Autumn Semester 2022

A Venerable Angelicum tradition of Eucharistic Adoration continues – Autumn Semester 2022

Eucharistic Adoration for the Fall Semester 2022 begins on 17 October.


We need your help! Become a Guardian of the Blessed Sacrament.  The Angelicum student body organizes and leads daily Eucharistic Adoration in the Church of Saints Dominicn and Sixtus.  Everyone is invited to participate.  Apart from personal sanctification, we pray for teh whole Church, especially for the students, staff, and the faculty of Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas.

READ: Where Academia meets Adoration: A University with a Soul (Angelicum Newsleter)


Sign up by using the QR code on the poster or send an email to :  [email protected]


ORGANIZED BY: Association of Students of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (ASPUST)
5 March 2001 = Adoration began
5 March 2002 = 1st anniversary
5 March 2003 = 2nd anniversary
5 March 2004
5 March 2005
5 March 2006 = 5th anniversary
5 March 2007
5 March 2008
5 March 2009
5 March 2010
5 March 2011 = 10th anniversary
5 March 2012
5 March 2013
5 March 2014
5 March 2015
5 March 2016 = 15th anniversary
5 March 2017
5 March 2018
5 March 2019
5 March 2020
5 March 2021 = 20th anniversary
5 March 2022 = 21st anniversary
5 March 2023 = 22nd anniversary
5 March 2024
5 March 2025
5 March 2026 = 25th anniversary