Affliated Institutes-Theology


Nature of Affiliation

The affiliation of an institute, which is different from an aggregation or incorporation (q.v. VG, Norms of Application, art. 50-51), is its linking to an ecclesiastical Faculty with the aim of attaining, via the Faculty, the corresponding academic degree of the first cycle, i.e., the baccalaureate (q.v. VG, art. 63 § 1). (Instr. on Affil., art. 2)

Affiliated institutes are governed by the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis gaudium and the Instruction on the Affiliation of Institutes of Higher Studies from the Dicastery for Culture and Education.


The Faculty of Theology is currently affiliated with institutes at the following:


Useful Documents

GUIDELINES FOR AFFILIATION: how to start the collaboration and which documents are required.

MODEL STAUTES: An aid to the preparation of statutes for an affiliated institute.

ANNUAL REPORT: Documents requested annually of an affiliated institute of the Faculty of Theology.