[AT117]  Dogmatic Theology: Ecclesiology

Semester II
wednesday 16:30 - 18:15
thursday 16:30 - 18:15

Course Information

Professor: SUSINI, Mirella
Email: [email protected]
Language: English

Semester II
wednesday 16:30 - 18:15
thursday 16:30 - 18:15


The course will study the Mystery of the Church by the following steps: 1) The Church’s Origin: Old Testament preparation, New Testament foundation; the Trinity and the Church. 2) The Church’s Nature: Her Names and Images 3) The gifts of the Holy Trinity to the Church: she is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. 4) The Church as universal sacrament of salvation. 4) Church and Kingdom of God: Church’s eschatological dimension.


Second Vatican Council, Documents Catechism of the Catholic Church; P. HAFFNER, Mystery of the Church, Gracewing, Herefordshire 2007.