[AT224]  Education in new languages

Semester I
thursday 14:30 - 16:15

Course Information

Professor: SESSA, Dario
Email: [email protected]
Language: English

Semester I
thursday 14:30 - 16:15


The course aims to offer an introduction to the linguistic problematic linked to the Christian proclamation. It focuses on some fundamental topics: Centrality of the linguistic universe in contemporary culture – Liquid society, communication and linguistic problems – The need for language renewal: “Saying God today” and the modalities for an efficacious message – Language in evangelisation, catechesis and homiletics – The logic of witnessing.


FERRE’ F., Logica, linguaggio e Dio, tr. it., Queriniana, Brescia 1972; SESSA D., Dio nella ricerca umana, PassionEducativa, Benevento 20162; SESSA D., Il problema del linguaggio teologico: lo status quaestionis e i problemi aperti in “Rivista di Letteratura e Storia Ecclesiastica”, a. XXV (2019), n. 1, pp. 76-106; D. SESSA, Alle frontiere della conoscenza di Dio, Angelicum University Press, Roma 2022. Italian texts will be translated in english bu professor. Further material will be offered by professor during the lessons.