[AT212]  Institutions of Canon Law

Semester I
thursday 14:30 - 16:15

Course Information

Professor: CARRAGHER, Michael
Email: [email protected]
Language: English

Semester I
thursday 14:30 - 16:15


What is the function of Canon Law? Role of Canon law in the early Church may be characterized as: Christian theology; structured by the Roman Law and; brought to bear on the institutional necessities of the Church. History of Canon Law Structure of the Latin Code of Canon Law The sources and features of Ecclesiastical Law General Decrees and Instructions Singular Administrative acts Physical persons 96- 112 Juridic persons 113-123 Juridic acts 124 –128 The power of governance Ecclesiastical offices.


Code of Canon Law Latin-English Edition New English translation Canon Law Society of America Washington D.C. 1989, pages xxix- xxxi passim. E. ROBERT RODES, JR. “The Canon Law as a Legal System – Function, Obligation, and Sanction” Natural Law Forum 9 (1964) pp. 44-94. J. FINNIS, Natural Law and Natural Rights Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980. R. H. HELMHOLZ, The Oxford History of the Laws of England Volume 1 The Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction from 597 to the1640s Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Clarence Gallagher Church Law and Church Order in Rome and Byzantium A Comparative Study Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs Volume 8 Ashgate: Variorum 2002