[AT214]  John Henry Newman and Ecclesial Formation

Semester II
thursday 16:30 - 18:15

Course Information

Professor: NYUYKONGMO, Gerald Jumbam
Email: xw [email protected]

Language: English

Semester II
thursday 16:30 - 18:15


Taking into consideration the fact that he lived in an epoch plagued by the deadly spirit of liberalism and the unpopularity of Catholicism in England, the education of the Christian Catholic on pastoral and theological grounds was uppermost in his mind. The key idea of the course is that a thorough formation of the Christian in the Church is the great answer to the faith crisis affecting the Church today. We shall examine four central things about Newman and Church formation in the course of this course. Firstly, we shall reflect on the nature of Newman’s Christian educational corpus itself. Secondly, we shall examine the reasons he proffers for formation in the Church. Thirdly, we shall identify some of his writings on Church formation. Fourthly, we shall explore formation of consciences in Newman. The course shall take into serious consideration the search for religious truth – Newman’s greatest passion.


H. J. NEWMAN, On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine, (Sheed and Ward, Oxford 2006). H. J. NEWMAN, Apologia Pro Vita Sua, (Penguin Books, London 2004). H. J. NEWMAN, Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England, (Gracewing, Notre Dame 2000). I. KER, John Henry Newman: A Biography, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010). G. J. NYUYKONGMO, A Laity Who Know their Religion, The Theological Education of the Laity in John Henry Newman, (Demdel Editions, Rue de Beau, 2018).