Email from the Rector

Email from the Rector

Dear Professors, Students and Employees,

As many of you know, due to the Covid crisis, the President of the Lazio Region has decided that all universities must reduce the volume of their academic activities in person to the minimum necessary, i.e. up to 25% of the normal size. I know that this request is not easy for any of us to follow, but we have to take health security very seriously.

In the coming weeks we will follow – until there is another decision of the government of the Lazio region – the following rules:

1. From Monday, October 26th, we will be sure that only 25% of all enrolled students are present on campus. The deans and the president of the Mater Ecclesiae Institute will soon inform you about the list of classes that will be held with the students in the classroom and those that will be given only online.

2. All other events – congresses, conferences and meetings – should be held online, unless there is an important reason to hold them as “on-site” meetings.  Each of these meetings should be authorized by the dean/dean of the M.E. Institute, after consulting with the Director of Administration, who is responsible for following our Covid protocols.

3. The University offices will remain open, but all of us must comply with Covid protocols.

4. The Library will continue to be open.

We must make a further effort together to give the best of ourselves during these difficult times. The current obstacles should not stop us in our efforts to serve the Church – teaching and studying – in the best possible way.

With my sincere prayers for each of you,

fr. Michał Paluch OP