Email to the University

Email to the University

Dear Angelicum Family,

As you know, our protocols require that you wear a mask at all times while on campus – including during class.  Some of our professors have told us that some students are not wearing their masks during class and at other times while on campus.

Also, to be clear, scarves, handkerchiefs or other similar materials are not permitted as a substitute for an actual mask.  If a professor or any of our employees sees a student without a mask, they should ask the student to put one on immediately.  If the student does not comply they will be asked to leave campus.

I am sure the safety and well being of all of our Angelicum community is on the forefront of our minds.  Though it can be a burden to wear a mask throughout the day, we all need to do our part in order to ensure that we stay healthy.  We are indeed grateful to those who have been compliant.

We want to comply with the laws and decrees of the government and at the same time welcome those we can onto our campus.  However, failure to comply with the protocols endangers the health and well being of the community.  Please be advised that you will be instructed to leave campus if you fail to comply with this directive and the other directives found in our protocols.

Thank you for your cooperation and God bless you.

Sr. Maria Silva, O.P.
Director of Administration
Pontificia Università di San Tommaso d’Aquino