Email to the university community

Email to the university community

Dear Angelicum family,

Due to the change of the Lazio region into a red zone as of Monday, March 15th, all classes will be online, except for seminars (left to de discretion each dean). Your professor will communicate with you with directions. The restrictions are until April 6th, at which point we will be on Easter break. If there are any changes to the restrictions for after vacation we will communicate with you via email.

University offices will be mostly in smart work and will provide assistance as is possible in this mode of work. Some offices may open to the public with restrictions, please call the office you intend to visit before going, in order to obtain information about their restrictions.  Please be sure to check that all your Google Classrooms are in order, and that you have access to them. If you have any needs in this regard please contact: [email protected] ASAP. Do not wait until Monday the 15th.

We hope to welcome you back to campus soon. Thank you for your patience throughout all of this. Please continue to pray that our communities remain healthy.

God bless you,

Sr. Maria Silva                                                                  Fr. Marcelo Solórzano
Direttore Amministrativo                                                 Segretario Generale