
JP2 Lecture Series with Prof. John Finnis

Angelicum Rome, Italy

The topic is "John Paul II and the Fundamentals of Ethics" concerning the ethical and metaphysical problems of Christianity in the modern world. The LIVESTREAM of the lecture in English will be on Thursday 19 November at 14:30

Ut Unum Sint Lecture

Prof. Andrzej Choromanski, AngelicumProf. William Henn OFMCap, Gregoriana Prof. Juan Usma Gómez, Angelicum

Ut Unum Sint Cattedra Tillard

Cardinale Kurt KOCH, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, Vatican Live streaming;

“JP2 Lectures” Faith in the Modern Areopagus with Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams

Angelicum Roma, Italy

St Paul in Athens declares openly what his audience worship unknowingly. In this lecture, we shall look at some of the places in our contemporary culture where assumptions are made about our human environment which point towards a transcendent context. There is the question of universal and ineradicable human dignity, in all circumstances; and there is also the less-discussed issue of how we assume that we can make sense of other humans, even strangers, and that we can come to share language with them. This latter question will be examined with the help of St Edith Stein's famous monograph on "empathy". A third, more complex area is the circumstances where people are driven to make a stand in the name of something "sacred" - that is, something other than the calculated and functional management of the world. Etty Hillesum's reflections on this subject will be a starting point. The lecture moves towards a conclusion about the nature of "logos" in the world and its theological resonances.

Ut Unum Sint Lecture – Tillard Chair

Prof. Aimable Musoni SDB, Salesianum Prof. Dimitrios Keramidas, Angelicum Prof. Costanzo Adam OP, Angelicum Archbishop JOB (GETCHA) of Telmessos, Representative...