Fall ’20 Liturgical Schedule – Eucharistic Adoration sign-up

Fall ’20 Liturgical Schedule – Eucharistic Adoration sign-up



Adoration is scheduled to begin on Monday, 12 October.  All liturgies will take place in the church of Ss. Sixtus and Dominic. Exposition will follow the 7:50AM English Mass and Benediction is at 5:20 pm

Here is the link for guardians to sign-up:  http://bit.ly/Fall2020SemesterAdorationAngelicum

Once the students choose the holy hour, they have to give their contacts so that we can prepare a list of Guardian for further action.  (N.B. – buttons within the google doc will open up other forms to submit your personal info in order for us to contact you)

According to COVID protocols (please use your own pen), we will also have a printed schedule on the registration table just outside the Aula Minor (or it may be moved somewhere accessible within the Bar area) for people to see the entire plan as well as for others to easily sign up.

So just to make clear you can sign up either through the on-line form above or in the Bar area.