EVERYONE REGISTER NOW for the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas: Doctor Honoris Causa

EVERYONE REGISTER NOW for the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas: Doctor Honoris Causa

On the occasion of the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, Patron of our Pontifical University,
we are pleased to invite you to join us on
Thursday 7 March 2019 
at 9.00  for Holy Mass in the Church of SS. Dominic and Sixtus
presided by H.E. Robert Barron,
Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles (USA)
At 10.30 a conference will be delivered by Bishop Barron in the Aula Magna of our University on
“The One Who Is, The One Who Gives: Aquinas, Derrida and the Dilemma of the Divine Generosity.”
At 12.00 there will be a cultural aperitif in the Sala Colonne.
*IMPORTANT: REGISTER NOW: http://bishoprobertbarron.eventbrite.it
…so that we may plan properly for the reception!