FOT 2023 STD

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Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)

The Third Cycle (Doctorate) has a minimum two years duration; it presupposes a Licentiate in Theology obtained from a Pontifical University or Faculty. It enables the student to reach a certain theological maturity by means especially of the preparation of a doctoral dissertation which will contribute to the progress of theological science.

Facts and Figures


enrolled students

2 years


2,ooo €

average cost

Learning Objectives

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In order to register for the doctoral cycle, a student must:

  • Be qualified for admission to the doctoral cycle in the institution which conferred the Licentiate in Sacred Theology. Students with the STL from the Angelicum are admitted if they have achieved an 8.5/10 average in their courses, as well as an 8.5/10 for their tesina and the oral examination (lectio coram).
  • Pay the academic fees.

Registration with it the following academic obligations:

  • Participation by every student in the Seminar for Doctoral Students;
  • Participation to the course of Methodology
  • Participation by those students who obtained the License outside the Angelicum in two common courses and two courses of one’s area of specialization taken from the License cycle.

Those whose License is not specialized or who wish to change their area of specialization will follow a special study program established by the Dean.

Admission to the Doctoral Examination

Current students: REGISTER HERE →

Prospective students: REGISTER HERE →

At the time of registration the student must choose one of the areas of specialization. During the two years of studies, the student must complete the following requirements:

—14 courses in the area of specialization (42 ECTS);
—3 obligatory courses including Methodology (9 ECTS);
—3 courses from those common to all areas of specialization (9 ECTS).
—4 seminars in the area of specialization (16 ECTS).

The composition of a thesis, at least 50 pages, written under the direction of one of the Professors in one’s area of specialization (25 ECTS). The theme of the thesis is to be registered at the Dean’s office once it is agreed on by the student and the Professor.

The personal preparation of a set of themes proper to the area of specialization (tesario). The list of themes is given to the student at the time of registration (19 ECTS).

Plan of Study

There are two options in this cycle: the Diploma in Pastoral Theology programme, in one year of study and the Licentiate programme in two years.

Licentiate in Theology: The Licentiate programme represents two years of post-Baccalaureate studies ending with the conferral of a degree which qualifies one to teach in a Major Seminary or equivalent school.

At the time of registration the Student chooses one of the areas of specialization: Scripture, Thomism, Dogma and Fundamental Theology, Ecumenism, Moral Theology and Spiritual Theology.

During the two years of studies, the Student must complete the following requirements:

—14 courses in the area of specialization (42 ECTS);
—3 obligatory courses (9 ECTS);
—3 courses from areas outside one’s specialization (9 ECTS);
—4 seminars in the area of specialization (16 ECTS).

The composition of a thesis, at least 50 pages, written under the direction of one of the Professors in one’s area of specialization (25 ECTS). The theme of the thesis is to be registered at the Dean’s office when the student registers for the lectio coram.

Diploma in Pastoral Theology: The Pastoral Theology program is composed of the following courses / seminar completed over a two-semester period:

—5 courses taken from one of the areas of specialization.
—2 courses from the other areas of specialization.
—2 courses obligatory to all areas of specialization.
—1 seminar in the area of specialization.

The completion of a thirty to fifty-page dissertation, composed under the direction of a member of the Faculty of Theology.

At the conclusion Students receive a Diploma in Pastoral Theology. Students who at a future date may wish to obtain the licentiate (STL), are required to complete three more seminars and required coursework. They are also responsible for a tesina (different from the one completed for the diploma), and the lectio cora.

Lectio Coram

Towards the end of the fourth semester (deadlines are posted each semester), the student must formally request the final exam (lectio coram) at the Dean’s office. At that time the student consigns the following to the Dean’s Office:

—One bound copy of the thesis and one pdf copy;
—A list of 20 themes (list of themes): drawn up by the student, at least one from each of the courses and seminars of their specialization, taken during the biennium. The aim of each theme is to provide a precise topic that can be treated adequately in a 40 minute teaching exercise (lectio coram).
—Students of the Dogmatic and Fundmental Theology and Moral Theology specializations are required to submit a brief outline and bibliography of the themes set by the Faculty (tesario). Three days prior to the scheduled date of the lectio coram, the student goes to the Dean’s Office to choose one of three themes taken from the list of themes as the title of the exposition for the lectio coram. Students will be admitted to the final exam (lectio coram) on condition that [1] they have passed all their course and seminar examinations during the licentiate cycle, [2] successfully completed the thesis, and [3] paid all pertinent fees.