Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P. named Rector Magnificus of the Angelicum

Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P. named Rector Magnificus of the Angelicum

The Congregation for Catholic Education has approved and confirmed the proposed appointment of fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P., as Rector Magnificus of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. With the designation of the Grand Chancellor, fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III, O.P., Master of the Order of Preacher, the new Rector will take office on September 14, at the end of the mandate of the current Rector, fr. Michał Paluch, O.P.


Fr. Thomas Joseph, a member of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph (USA), is currently director of the Thomistic Institute of the Angelicum and professor of theology. 


Fr. Thomas Joseph notes that “the Angelicum is a university especially dedicated to the universal mission of the Church. Building on the Dominican tradition of harmony between faith and natural reason, the university seeks to cultivate a deeper understanding of Christianity, and the doctrinal life of the Church, in ongoing conversation with traditions of philosophy, law, and social doctrine. St. Thomas Aquinas is our touchstone in this effort.”


Read about our new Rector on the website of the Dominican Order


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