Choir, Church & Sacristy ANGELICUM

During this year, we have been restoring and updating the last wing of our university cloister to make space for more friars.  The friars have moved in and now we need your help with a few things for the new friars.

W E   A R E   G R O W I N G !

This Fall 2021 semester, the number of Dominican friars living at the Angelicum has increased significantly to serve the university. There are friars from around the world who would like to live in the Angelicum’s convent located above the university.  We already have 74 friars in residence as of this semester. Plans are to grow to a community of 75+ friars.  We also need to add chasubles for the friars’ conventual Mass, 5 vol. sets of Latin breviaries, and new storage cabinets in our 16th c. sacristy.  Some of these items have already been purchased, but we need your help to finish what we need!  All of these items directly affect the lives of our friars who work, teach and study at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas.  We need your help in order to make this happen.


Can you help us reach our goal BEFORE 25 December 2021?

Total amount needed:  USD $28,900 (EUR  €25,560)



1) The Holy See is publishing a new edition of the Latin Breviary.  This is the basis of our daily prayer. Our community will need a total of 75 Breviaries (5 vol.) sets – Libreria Editrice Vaticana edition: $226 (€200) / each set = $16, 967 (€15,000)

2)  The community will need a total of 80 new concelebrant chasubles (20 for each liturgical color to add to those on hand) : $36 (€32) / chasuble = $2,880  (€2,560). Most of these have already been purchased, but we still need to purchase about 10 more.


3) The current state of our 16th c. sacristy has called for the construction of new custom cabinets = $9,060 (€8,000).  These actually are already built, but we desperately need your help in order to balance the finances of this unforeseen expense.


I would be delighted to meet or talk with you personally!  We count on your generosity.


fr. Benedict Croell, O.P.  mobile: +1.202.642.3597 (USA) | WhatsApp

[email protected]

THANK YOU LATEST DONORS:  US$15,000 from G.C. from Florida + $9,060 from B & R. C. from Iowa + $2,500 from Rev. A.G. from Wisconsin + $370 from C.H. from Seattle +  $2,667 from M.V. from Ohio + $32 from G.S. from Portugal + $370 from S.A. from Colorado + $400 (*) from C. & A. M. from Colorado.

UPDATE TOTAL as of 20 December 2021: $30,339.00 – THANK YOU!!

Thank you for your support!



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