House on the Rock– Axiology of Law for the Europe of Tomorrow
The Conference will take place from November 29-30, 2019 in Aula Minor at the Angelicum from 9.30-18.00. REGISTER HERE
~ simultaneous translation will be provided ~
Leader: P. Alejandro Crosthwaite, O.P., Decano della Facoltà di Science Sociali (Angelicum)
1. Jaroslaw Krzewicki, The influence of Christianity on the development of law in Europe
2. Johnatan Price, Are consent, equality, and autonomy sufficient to secure the rule of law?
3. Paweł Lisicki, Why are we still losing? Christians’ battle for the natural law.Coffee breakLeader: SER Mons. Artur Miziński , Archbishop of Lublin, Poland
4. Elisa Grimi, E’ possibile una legge assiologicamente indipendente?
5. Luigi Troiani, Assiologia del diritto per domani in Europa
6. Tymoteusz Zych, Human rights exploited against man? The consequences of misconceptions about human dignityLunch – 14.00
15.00 – 18.00
1. Roman Joch, Natural Rights, Liberal Democracy, and Legal Positivism
2. Andras Lanczi, Contemporary problems in lawmakinge
3. Artur Kotowski, Problem of law interpretation
Coffee break
4. Sebastian Skuza, Between Christian axiology and liberal economics
5. Jerzy Kwaśniewski, Axiology of law – universal norms in times of ever-changing standards
6. Joanna Lemańska, Problem of applying the law on positivist grounds, judge’s dilemmas, judicial paradoxes
Saturady, November 30, 2019
9-30 – 14.00SOLIDARITY
1. Chantal Delsol, After Christendom
2. Ivica Zizic, Quale ethos per l’Europa Alle radici cristiane della cultura europea
3. Christian Hillgruber, Human dignitas a legal concept. A contribution to European culture
Coffee break
Leader :
4. SER Juan Ignacio Arrieta, La riforma di diritto di Papa Francesco
5. Krzysztof Szczucki, Axiology and ethics at the base of lawmaking
6. Benjamin Harnwell,Weakness of law, liquidity of borders – life under protection
Lunch -13.00
1. Between law and politics
2. Contemporary problems of the philosophy of law
3. Areas of action in defense of values: family, life protection, freedom, sovereignty
4. Between the throne and the altar. Christian involvement in promoting the axiology of law17.00-18.00