Evento FASS – Education: the only useful contribution of the Church to modern society?

Evento FASS – Education: the only useful contribution of the Church to modern society?


7 novembre 2023 16:30-19:00

Pontificia Università San Tommaso d’Aquino
Facoltà di Scienze Sociali
Largo Angelicum 1, Roma
Aula XI

16.30 Benvenuto ed introduzione

16.40 Lectio Magistralis di p. Friedrich Bechina, FSO

17.20 Respondents:

  • James Arthur (Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy)
  • Alejandro Crosthwaite, OP (Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Giuseppe Casale (Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences)

17.50 Risposta di p. Friedrich Bechina, FSO

18.00 Discussione con i partecipanti

18.30 Conclusioni e aperitivo



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P. Friedrich BECHINA
Born in 1966 in Vienna (Austria). Doctor in Dogmatic Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Ordained Priest in 1966, he has been involved in pastoral service and teaching in schools in Feldkirch (Austria) till 2001. From 2001 to 2022 he served at the Congregation for Catholic Education of the Holy See. From 2005 to 2015 he was in charge of the international relations of the Holy See in the field of Higher Education. He had been the Representative of the Holy See to the Bologna Process, the Council of Europe, the UNESCO Recognition Conventions and in various international organizations and initiatives regarding education and higher education. From 2013 to 2022 he was the Undersecretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education. Since 2022 he has served as a Personal Advisor to the Archbishop of Salzburg and to the Austrian Bishops Conference for International Higher Education and educational matters. He is a Research Associate of the Boston College Centre for Higher Education Studies, as well as a freelance international higher education expert and consultant in educational matters. He is a member of various Boards and Advisory Councils of Catholic Higher Education Institutions around the world.