[TM25]  Fundamental Moral Theology

Semestre II
giovedi 14:30 - 16:15

Informazioni sul corso

Prof: SZANISZLO, Inocent
Email: [email protected]
Lingua: Inglese
Programma: Baccellierato
Semestre II
giovedi 14:30 - 16:15


In this introductory course, we will try to find answers to the basic questions of moral theology: 1. What is moral theology and what is its basic question? 2. What is the relationship between philosophical and theological ethics? 3. What is the possibility of academic freedom of a theologian in scientific research? 4. What are the problems of autonomy in moral theology? 5. How has moral theology evolved in the history of the Church? 6. What is the right moral action as a basis for the unification of man with God?


ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, Summa Theologiae, Summa Theologiae: Complete Set, Publisher: Emmaus Academic (December 12, 2012); P. SERVAIS PINCKAERS, OP, Les sources de la morale chrétienne, Editions Universitaires Fribourg Suisse, 21990 (The sources of Christian ethics, Washington D.C.: Catholic University of America, ©1995); KARL-HEINZ PESCHKE, Christliche Ethik. Grundlegungen der Moraltheologie, Paulinus Verlag Trier,
1997 (Christian ethics : moral theology in the light of Vatican II, Eugene, Oregon : Wipf & Stock, 2012); EBERHARD SCHOCKENHOFF, Grundlegung der Ethik, Ein theologischer Entwurf, Freiburg, Herder, 2007(Natural law & human dignity : universal ethics in an historical world, Washington (D.C.) : The Catholic University of America Press, 2003); ANSELM GÜNTHÖR OSB, Chiamata e risposta : una nuova teologia morale I. Morale generale, Roma: Edizioni Paoline, 1974-1977.