[FE 2031]  History of Contemporary Philosophy II – 23.24

Semestre II
Lunedi 09:30 - 12:15

Informazioni sul corso

Prof: BINKIEWICZ, Cezary
Email: [email protected]
Lingua: Inglese
Programma: Baccellierato
Semestre II
Lunedi 09:30 - 12:15


The lectures picks out Bergson’s philosophy (reason versus intuition and physical time versus psychological time), logical positivism (verification rule and metaphysical reduction), phenomenology (Husserl – the last one struggle for certainty, Heidegger and hermeneutic), analytic split (from strict linguistic analyses to wider recognition in 90s of 20th century), existentialism and dialog philosophy and of course postmodern philosophy.


Bibliography: For students could be helpful: Russel Bertrand: A History of Western Philosophy. Frederick Charles Copleston: A History of Philosophy volumes 7-11. Christian Delacampagne: History of Philosophy in the Twentieth Century. Dermot Moran (ed.): The Routledge Companion to Twentieth Century Philosophy