Message from the rector for the feast of St. Thomas – March 8

Message from the rector for the feast of St. Thomas – March 8

Dear Professors, Students, and Employees of the PUST,  

The Italian Prime Minister signed yesterday the new DPCM, indicating the new anti-Covid rules that should start from  6th March. According to them, “Conferences, conventions, and other events are suspended, except for those held by  remote mode” (art. 13).  

Following the new legislation and considering the health situation in Rome, we have to modify the way we will celebrate  our Saint Thomas feast on Monday, 8th March.  

The Mass will be celebrated in the church at 9.00. It will be presided over by Cardinal Marc Ouellet. Unfortunately, a  very limited number of people will be able to attend it – academic authorities, major officials, ASPUST leadership, and  employees’ representatives. The event will be livestreamed. 

At 10.30 we will continue our feast with the conference by Fr Giuseppe Barzaghi OP, entitled “Mythos – Logos – Anagogia – una strada tomista ad un rinnovamento della teologia” which will be followed by the response presented by  Fr Serge-Thomas Bonino OP. This part will take place entirely online.  

You will find further information on how to find the links to the events here in English and here in Italian. In the  morning of 8th March, all the classes will be suspended.  

Let’s hope that it is the last academic feast our University celebrates in a remote mode.  


With my prayer for each of you,  

Michał Paluch O.P.