Teologia e rischio

Teologia e rischio

Cantagalli, Giordano, Pastorelli, Teologia, Teologia e rischio

Francesco Giordano and Luigi Pastorelli

A challenge for the economy and for the Social Doctrine of the Church Conclusions
Card. Raymond Leo Burke

Theology and risk. On the surface, they seem like distant topics. But they are not. The theologian Father Francesco Giordano and the risk assessor Professor Luigi Pastorelli wanted to build an intellectual bridge between two disciplines erroneously considered to be distant, contrasting, in order to understand and examine reality in its various configurations. From the point of view of risk theory, there is a need to recover and use a theological approach, and at the same time the risk theory approach could provide a new impetus for theological studies. A conversation between two intellectuals that can stimulate debate on the crisis and how to deal with it.

Father Giordano and Professor Pastorelli proposed topics of incredible topicality. They brought man back to the centre. A meeting of different disciplines that can generate a healthy and supportive conception of the economy.

Francesco Giordano, a diocesan priest, has been director of Human Life International (Rome office), an organisation for the defence of human life and the family, since 2015. He teaches Theology at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome.

Luigi Pastorelli, an expert in risk analysis and assessment, is technical director of the Schult’z Group, a risk management company. He performs academic activities at several universities as a lecturer in Risk Theory.

Cantagalli 2022 | pp. 96 | euro 12,00
In bookshops from 12 May 2022