Announcing Four Public Lectures on Sacred Scripture

Announcing Four Public Lectures on Sacred Scripture

The Faculty of Theology invites you to attend four public lectures on Sacred Scripture:


25 October 2.30 pm: Dr. Christopher Kugler, John’s Chalcedonian Christology – Aula Minor


2 November 4.30 pm: Dr. Simon Dürr,Interpreting the Light: Reflections on the Human Vocation in the New Testament– Aula Minor


15 November 2.30 pm: Dr. Nina Heereman, Completing What is Lacking in Christ’s Afflictions (Col 1:24): A Biblical Exploration of Ecclesial Co-atonementOnline – Link Available Here


6 December 2.30 pm: Dr. Phillip Lasater Law and self: Why they belong together and why they have been kept apart in Pentateuchal scholarship– Aula Minor

The Project for Theological Reception of Scripture