Don’t put off your studies any more! Here is your opportunity to start right now – Scholarships for Newcomers

A Thomistic Education in the Heart of the Eternal City

Don’t put off your studies any more! Here is your opportunity to start right now – Scholarships for Newcomers


Scholarships for Newcomers
Academic Year 2021-22

During this difficult time, marked with the Covid-19 pandemic, and thanks to the generosity of Angelicum Friends,
we are offering extraordinary help to the students who want to start their programme at the Angelicum.  NEW students in the FIRST-YEAR of the baccalaureate and licentiate programmes may apply for an emergency scholarship allowing them to receive a reduction of the usual academic fees in the upcoming academic year (that is, two consecutive semesters) beginning in October 2022.


Who can apply:
New Students who enroll in the baccalaureate and licentiate programmes in Theology, Philosophy, Canon Law, Social Sciences and the Mater Ecclesiae Institute (Religious Sciences) with up to 50% of the yearly academic fees being awarded. 

Please note: Special priority will be given to students who opt to study in Italian in Theology/Philosophy/Canon Law Faculties and students who opt to study in English in the Mater Ecclesiae Institute with the remainder of the yearly academic fee being awarded, after payment for registration.  Extra Language course fees are not included.

Procedure:      (PDF)

  1. Registration at the University: Make contact with the Dean in order to register:

Contact the faculty of Theology for more info or see announcement

Contact the faculty of Philosophy for more info or see announcement

Contact the faculty of Canon Law for more info or see announcement

Contact the faculty of Social Sciences for more info 

Contact Mater Ecclesiae for more info or see announcement

  1. Register in one of the faculties: Theology, Philosophy Canon Law, Social Sciences, Mater Ecclesiae Institute.
  2. Pay your registration fee to obtain your matriculation number (ID)
  3. Go online and complete the google form which will automatically be sent to our office (applications will be considered according to the time of submission of a COMPLETED form, incomplete forms will not be considered)   FORM
  4. You will hear within the week from our office acknowledging receipt of the form (if not, contact [email protected] ). You will hear at the end of the month of application what award is being offered.


NOTE: Remember that the grant is extraordinary; we do not expect to repeat it next year.  Scholarships are awarded on a first come basis.  Recipients will be informed once registration is established.  Applications where Forms are incomplete and Registration is not confirmed means the application is rejected until these are in place. The student may lose the position on the list.  For questions regarding these or other opportunities for financial assistance, please email us at [email protected]