On Wednesday, November 29th at 4:30 PM we invite you to a public lecture by George Weigel (Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington D.C.). The lecture titled “John Paul II, the Priority of Culture, and the Contemporary Culture Wars” will be held in Aula 11 at the Angelicum.
The lecture will explore John Paul II’s teaching on the priority of culture in the free and virtuous society of the future, as he outlined that notion in Centesimus Annus. This teaching will then be the prism through which to analyze today’s contemporary Western “culture wars” and the best means to engage those contests.
George Weigel – American Catholic philosopher and theologian. He is Distinguished Senior Fellow of Washington’s Ethics and Public Policy Center. George Weigel is author of over twenty books. The first volume of his biography of Pope St. John Paul II, Witness to Hope, was a New York Times bestseller, and his writing appears in a variety of publications, including the Wall Street Journal. In his most recent book entitled To Sanctify the World: The Vital Legacy of Vatican II , George Weigel explains the necessity of the Second Vatican Council and explores the continuing relevance of its teaching.