
Pensare con San Tommaso Oggi

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Pensare con San Tommaso Oggi 17-18 febbraio 2023 Angelicum, Aula Minor Clicchi qui per il programma. Largo Angelicum 1, Roma,...

Audience with Pope Francis for Pontifical Universities of Rome

Vatican Piazza San Pietro, Vatican City, Vatican City State, Holy See (Vatican City State)

The faculty, staff, and students of all the pontifical universities have been invited to an audience with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, at the Vatican on 25 February 2023 at 12:00. I ask you to kindly make a note of this on your calendar as it would be desirable to have a strong attendance from the Angelicum. More information will be forthcoming regarding this event.