8, 9, 10 April 2019
From Rome & from London, the Dominican friars are preaching a Lenten parish retreat in the Diocese of Venice, Florida (USA). The mission will help families to more easily see the Presence of God in their lives. The Lord is always at work, but we frequently fail to see Him or notice Him. The first night is about Divine Providence, the second night is about the Divine Indwelling (how the Lord lives in the tabernacle of our souls) and the third night is about His Real Presence in the gift of the Eucharist and His healing power to transform families.
EXAMINATION of CONSCIENCE (written by Dominicans – in bulletin for weekend Masses)
JOIN IN THE MISSION and PRAY WITH US for the work of evangelization! REGISTER or DONATE to receive exclusive content (photos, videos, updates from the mission)!
“One Year In” UPDATE from Fr. Ben (ENGLISH & ITALIANO)
Petitions for Marriages and Families (used during the mission)
Prayer of Deliverance (used during the mission)
Angelicum FLYER (featuring Eucharistic Adoration)
Event RegistrationYour donation makes a difference
In the heart of the Church in Rome, the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) is educating future priests, religious and laity in the wisdom of Saint Thomas Aquinas where faith and reason come together. Among our university’s most distinguished alumni is Fr. Karol Wojtyła, later to become Pope St. John Paul II. HELP CONTINUE THIS VENERABLE TRADITION OF EDUCATION & PREACHING by supporting the Angelicum.