
The Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Registration Information


Here you will find important information on the steps required for registration at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas – Angelicum.

Important Dates




27 May – 20 September 2024: for the year or for the first semester (August closed);


7 January – 24 January  2025: for current students for second semester.


Deadline for Course Changes


1st semester:  18 October 2024
2nd semester: 28 February 2025

For a full list of courses by faculty, please check the Handbook of Studies:




Categories of Students

Our students are divided into several categories: Ordinary, Extraordinary, Fuori Corso, Guest, and Auditor.


Ordinaries are those who are eligible to earn an academic degree. – they meet all requirements for entering their degree program of choice.

  • A subcategory of the “ordinaries” category is pars ordinaries. The ordinary “pars” category will include all students who are regularly enrolled at Our University, but must submit certain documents necessary for enrollment (original certificate of studies – blank form with signature of the Superior – letter of introduction ….).


The category “extraordinary”  includes 2 subcategoriessimpliciter and ad tempus.

  • Simpliciter: these are students who enroll at our university but do not earn a degree and cannot obtain one in the future – they cannot take a year of courses and decide at the end of the semester or academic year that they want to change their enrollment. Students who fall into the extraordinary simpliciter category are those who want to take several courses by taking the exam but not obtaining the degree.


  • Ad Tempus: has the limit of one year.  To this category belong all those students who are not yet ready to be enrolled as Ordinary within a degree because they lack some requirements


Guest students are those who may not register for more than 4 semester-long courses in the academic year.


Auditors: are students who, with the consent of the Dean or the President, register for one or more courses for their personal benefit, paying a special fee for each course, but with no right to examinations or diplomas. They may request a certificate of attendance, issued by the Dean or President.,


Fuori corso (Extra cursum) students are those who, after having followed the regular program of studies, are yet to complete their academic requirements (examinations, theses, written work). They can only take 2 free courses that serve to complete their curriculum.

Such students are required to pay the prescribed fees by the Administration. They may retain the status of Fuori Corso for a maximum period of five years, after which they must begin their cycle of studies all over again.

(This norm comes into force from the academic year 2017-2018).

Requirements for Admission

In order to be admitted as an ordinary student, it is necessary:


  • to have completed whatever studies are required for admission to the university in the student’s country of origin;
  • to have completed the studies required by the Faculty or Institute in which the student plans to study.

New Student Registration

Registering at the Angelicum is quick and easy.


If you want to enquire about a specific Faculty or Institute and their programs of study you can either submit a request via this form or contact the relevant Faculty/Institute Secretary, who can then guide you through the registration process.


The formal registration process will then occur via the Angelicum’s online portal.


You can access the portal via the following link: Then, follow these steps:

  1. Click Prospective Student? Apply Today! on the bottom left of the screen.
  2. You will be redirected to the Student Account Registration page. Fill out all required fields with your personal information and, once complete, click Register on the bottom right of the screen.
  3. You will receive a green flag at the top of the screen that says: Success: You have successfully registered your account. Please verify your account by following the link in the email sent to you. After signing in you can then continue the application process. Log into your email and verify your account.
  4. By clicking on the link in your email, you will be redirected to continue your application, which will involve uploading several necessary documents.
  5. Once you have completed the application, click Submit. Once you have submitted your registration request, the University will review your application and respond with a decision (note that University offices are closed in the month of August, so applications submitted during that time will be reviewed in September).

Returning Student Registration

Returning students need to register for a new academic year or program via the Angelicum’s new online portal.

You can access the portal via the following link:

Sign into the portal using your email account and password. The follow these steps:

  1. On the Dashboard menu on the left side of the screen click Academic Year Registration.
  2. Choose the correct program and language for your registration by clicking the green Register icon.
  3. The registration request is now in the hands of your Faculty/Institute. You do nothing further at this point until you receive a notification that your registration is ready for your acceptance.
Note that  if you are on hold for non-payment of fees, you will not be able to register without settling your account.

Note also that the University offices are closed for the month of August. You will hear back from the Dean/Director’s Office when they return in September.

Academic Fees

At the time of registration the student shall make a down payment of € 250.00 towards the academic fees for the appropriate semester. The payment may be made in one of the following ways in the Office of Administration:


  • bank draft;
  • bancomat / credit card;
  • cheque;
  • cash.


Should the registration be cancelled, this initial payment shall not be refunded.


One may not register for a successive year, if one has not paid the dues for the preceding year.


Academic Fees 2024-2025

Required Documents for First-Time Registration

  • An authentic and detailed certification of completed studies, proving: the academic title, the number of years of study completed, the content of the studies, and the credits and grades obtained;
  • Authorization of the Dean or Director; this is necessary when going from one cycle to the next;
  • Two passport size photographs, one for the Dean of the Faculty and one for the use of the Secretariat.

Special Requirements for First-Time Registrations & Annual Renewals

  • Authorization of the Rector of the student’s College of residence, if he is a cleric or a seminarian; of his own Superior, if he is a Religious; or a letter by some Church person, if the student is a layperson (VG, Section IV, art 26 §1) ;
  • Authorization from the Office of Clerics, issued by the Vicariate of Rome, for diocesan priests residing in Rome in a non-authorized College. Secular or Religious priests living outside the Diocese of Rome must present the nihil obstat of their own Ordinary, which proves their diocesan incardination, or affiliation to a particular religious institute, and the place of their habitual residence;
  • Receipt of payment of the amount due, paid in one of the following ways: bank draft, credit card, bancomat, cheque or in cash in the Office of Administration
  • For the requirements of the individual Faculties or Institutes, the student must consult the appropriate Program of Studies.

Knowledge of Italian or English

Students whose mother tongue in neither Italian nor English must acquire a facility in their language of instruction by the end of the first semester of their enrollment. At the end of the semester there will be a proficiency examination. Any further determinations concerning language proficiency are established by the individual faculties.



Dates for Registration

27 May  – 20 September 2024: for registration for the year or for the first semester (August closed);

7 January – 24 January 2025: for registration for the second semester.

Late Enrolments

In addition to the payment of arrears, the written permission of the Dean or Director is required for those who enroll after 20 September and not later than 18 October for the first semester, and after  24 January and not later than  28 February for the second semester.


Enrolment after these periods requires the special permission of the Rector, upon the request of the Dean or Director.


In order to obtain an academic degree, simultaneous enrolment as an ordinary student at other Pontifical Universities or Athenaeum, or in other Faculties and Institutes of the Angelicum, is forbidden. Such a double enrolment will be annulled and all examinations invalidated.


Enrollment in the doctoral program is valid for two years; after which, the student, even though continuing the preparation of his dissertation, may enroll in another Faculty.

Plan of Study

Every student should prepare a plan of study, in accordance with the program provided by the appropriate Faculty or Institute, or as agreed to by the Dean or the Director. The plan of study should include the student’s obligatory, optional, and seminar courses. In choosing his courses, the student must bear in mind:


  • what is possible in practice;
  • that the times of his/her courses do not coincide with each other.

Deadline for Course Changes

1st semester by October 18, 2024
2nd semester by February 28, 2025

Registration for Courses and Seminars

Every student, during the period already indicated, must record on the appropriate card his courses, both obligatory and optional, and seminars.


The completed card must show:


  • The academic year, semester, and the student’s matriculation number;
  • The faculty, cycle, and year in which he/she is studying (and his/her specialization, where required);
  • The student’s last name, first name, and College;
  • The courses and their codes, exactly as listed in the Handbook of Studies, the name of the professor and the credits involved (one and half credit corresponds to one hour of weekly lectures per semester)
  • The obligatory courses from which the student has been dispensed; for these, in place of the credits, a “D” should be indicated.
  • The Dean’s signature.

Dispensation from Courses

Requests for dispensations of every type are dealt with by the Dean or Director year by year, upon presentation of the relevant documents, if this has not already been made.


Attendance at courses and seminars is obligatory, and any student who, at the end of a course or seminar, has been absent for a third of the lectures or more, loses every right with respect to that course or seminar.

Payment Options