The Ways You Can Help Us – NOW

The Ways You Can Help Us – NOW


Dear Friends,

The Angelicum is poised to begin this next Fall semester with great strength and vigor with new students, new friars, new officials and new professors.  Our Rector wrote on this briefly in our latest ANGELICUM magazine.

But we still have major needs and we would love to have you join with us in this great mission of intellectually forming future leaders of the Church!  Here are our current campaigns for fundraising:

St. Thomas Aquinas $100K Emergency Fund  – for current students to continue their program of studies (DETAILS).

St. John Paul II Institute of Culture Founders Campaign – as we launch a new institute to think with our most distinguished alumnus, excellent opportunities abound to partner with us to share his legacy with the world (DETAILS).

2020 Angelicum Friars Campaign – for new Latin Breviary sets and Chasubles for our growing community of Dominican Friars who live above our pontifical university (DETAILS).

Your gift to this emergency fund will be used only for current Angelicum students in cases of financial hardship due to the current crisis.  I would be delighted to meet or talk with you personally.


Fr. Benedict Croell, O.P.
Mobile: +1.202.642.3597 (USA) | WhatsApp
[email protected]







Thank you for your support!