
La comunità umana nella Bibbia book cover

La comunità umana nella Bibbia

Casa – famiglia – clan – tribù – terra – paese – popoli – nazioni – mondi

Bernardo G. Boschi

Angelicum University Press-2021

The Spirit of Catholicism book cover

The Spirit of Catholicism

Vivian Boland, O. P.

Bloomsbury Publishing-2021

The Catholic Church seems to be in serious crisis – disfigured by scandals, divided by theological, cultural and political differences, retreating institutionally in many places, judged irrelevant by a culture that believes it has …

Vangelo e la liturgia domenicana book cover

Vangelo e la liturgia domenicana

Dominik Jurczak OP – Vangelo e la liturgia domenicana dopo la riforma di Umberto di Romans con l’edizione dell’evangelistarium e dell’incipit evangeliorum dal codice XIV L1 di Santa Sabina (Dissertationes Historicae 38),

Angelicum University Press, Roma 2021.…

A Journey with Jonah: The Spirituality of Bewilderment book cover

A Journey with Jonah: The Spirituality of Bewilderment

Fr. Paul Murray, OP, September 2021

Jonah is the only ancient prophet with whom Jesus identifies in the Gospels. But when we turn to read the book of Jonah itself, we discover that this so-called “book” is only two pages …

Saint Catherine of Siena: Mystic of Fire, Preacher of Freedom book cover

Saint Catherine of Siena: Mystic of Fire, Preacher of Freedom

Catherine of Siena is one of the most intriguing and explosive saints in Church history. A young laywoman with almost no education, she became renowned for her intense mystical experiences, inspired preaching, and scathing criticism of corrupt political and ecclesial …

Parole, parole, parole… book cover

Parole, parole, parole…

Monosemia e polisemia della formula “Parola di Dio” alla luce di Gv 1,1-18 e Ger 1,1-19

Nicoletta Gandolfo


Called into a Story book cover

Called into a Story

An “environ-mental” approach to Saint Thomas Aquinas as exegete and preacher

Margherita Maria Rossi



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