Institute of Spirituality

at the Angelicum (ISA)


The spiritual life is lived by charity.

Thomas Aquinas
In III Sent. d. 38, a. 4, co.


The oldest institute of the Faculty of Theology, the Institute of Spirituality at the Angelicum studies spiritual growth in the Christian life. All Christians are called to grow in holiness: “living the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, the Christ” (Ephesians 4.15). The Institute is dedicated to studying the character of this growth.


Working from a holistic vision of sanctification in both the ascetical and mystical aspects of the Christian life, the Institute draws on biblical and patristic sources as developed by the Dominican tradition of spiritual reflection to offer a holistic account of Christian holiness and the call to perfection.



  • Instruction: The Institute offers a yearlong (two semester) diploma program in Spirituality. The program has a twofold goal:
    • to help formators deepen their understanding of spiritual theology in both theory and practice;
    • to offer a time of spiritual and theological renewal for clergy, religious and laity at the heart of the Church.
  • Research: The Institute promotes research in spiritual theology through the ISA visiting fellows program, research seminars, public conferences and publications.



  • The saints and theologians of the Order of Preachers
    • The Institute draws inspiration and guidance from a heritage of over 800 years of experience and reflection lived and offered by men and women saints, mystics and theologians who have followed in the footsteps of St. Dominic.
  • A tradition of spiritual reflection at the Angelicum.
    • The Institute benefits from the generations of theologians, beginning with St. Thomas Aquinas himself, who, during their years of teaching in Rome, reflected on the mystery of the Christian life and our call to grow in Christ toward the perfection of charity and our participation in the life of the Trinity.






The spiritual life will first and foremost be life in Christ, through our participation in the mystery of his redemption, by which we are established in relationship with the true God, Father, Son and Spirit.

Michel Labourdette, o.p.
“Qu’est-ce que la théologie spirituelle?” RT 92 (1992): 358