Entry Procedures

  • The students and staff, as well as all visitors/suppliers/external companies before entering the facility, will be subjected to body temperature control*. If his/her temperature is higher than 37.5 ° C, access to the workplace will not be allowed. People in this condition will be required to follow the protocols listed under “Specific Measures”.
  • Students will be required to sign an attendance sheet in their classes and fill in the temperature that was recorded upon their entry into the University for purposes of contact tracing and to be in compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Those who have had contact with subjects that have tested positive for COVID-19 or come from risk areas according to WHO indications are also prohibited from entering the University.
  • The temperature screening will be conducted until 8:00 am by Mr. Vincenzo Tolli, after which the receptionists take over after that time. They will then be responsible for carrying out the temperature screening for all those who enter the university. All those responsible for checking body temperature will be equipped with a mask and gloves and will carry out this operation while keeping social distancing as much as is possible.
  • As a further precautionary measure, all workers are advised to measure their body temperature at home before traveling to reach the University.
  • To access entry into the University, a differentiated route has been developed in order to avoid clustering between entering and exiting. Coming from the outside, you will have to access the facility using the right staircase that leads to the entrance door, while the other staircase will be used for the exit. Signs will be posted indicating the flow of traffic. It is obligatory for everyone to follow these one-way paths.
  • In the management of workers' entry and exit of the facility, staggered hours will be considered. Immediate Supervisors will discuss with staff the possibility of doing this.

* The real-time detection of body temperature constitutes a processing of personal data and, therefore, takes place in accordance with current privacy regulations.

  1. The temperature is detected by recording the data with a temperature scanning device. Data will be taken if the temperature exceeds the accepted range of 37.5 C. Documentation would then be permitted in order to document the reasons that prevented access to company premises.
  2. The interested party is informed about the processing of personal data.
  3. In the event of temporary isolation due to exceeding the temperature threshold,methods are ensured that guarantee the person's privacy and dignity. These guarantees are also ensured in the event that the worker notifies Administration of having had contacts with subjects who have tested positive for COVID-19 and in the case of removal of the worker who during the work day develops fever and symptoms of respiratory infection.